Saturday, October 28, 2023

Call Me Grumpy.


I just had a very unsavory TV dinner, which I couldn't finish along with a bottle of "sweet tea" that seemed to have no sugar in it. Having grown up with home-cookin' and truly sweet tea. I threw my meal away. Back to living on cookies, Iguess.



  1. That's enough to make anybody grumpy. Nothing like a good old home cooked meal with a glass of sweet iced tea. Wish we were closer I would bring you one.

  2. can't eat a large/greasy dinner any more; it's a large breakfast, no lunch and a very light dinner (couple o' ham n' rollups/sandwich n'a piece of fruit) otherwise when I'm trying to get to sleep my stomach keeps reminding me "You shouldn't have eaten that..."

  3. Yup,to save $ they make some pretty crummy stuff that they call food now.I hope you at least have a
    good brand of vitamin pill you can take every day

  4. If you are eating frozen dinners, have you tried Marie Callender's brand of frozen entrees?  A bit pricey, but fairly eatable.  Also, if you microwaving, 2 eggs beat up on a bowl and a saucer over the top will microwave in less than a minute and a half.  Bacon will also microwave done between two paper towels. Hamburger patties will microwave.  YouTube is your friend for quick and easy meals you want to eat.  
    I do most of my food prep sitting in a chair.  Then it goes into the air fryer, microwave, oven, or slow cooker because I can't stand to do long-term pot stirring anymore. Frozen vegetables will also microwave. I've been buying pre-made salads cause I can't be bothered to clean and chop all the fixings I want in a salad.


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