Monday, November 6, 2023

Home Bound


I now have great difficulty getting into my truck, and soon have a back ache and butt ache once I am. Guess my stepson will have to do my running now.



  1. Sorry to hear that. It's a shame when our bodies wear out and cost us much of our independence.

  2. I'm 73 and was in and out of the hospital 4 times last month. Longest I was out was 3 days. Turned out I had 2 bladder stones causing a bad infection. One was the size of a gold ball. Had to have surgery to have them removed and I'm having to depend on others to do all my shopping needs right now. I hate every minute of it. I've never depended on any one for anything before. I feel like such a burden on them. I've had a bad back for 7 years now and I've gotten used to that pain. I hope I recover from this and can get back to doing for myself soon because I feel totally useless right now.
    I guess all we can do is hang in there and hope it gets better or it all ends because this ain't living.


  4. That's the pits. Weren't there some plans awhile back for you possibly moving in with your stepson and his wife?

  5. After decades of helping others when they needed us to , it's ok if we could use a hand now and again these days . It actually made me content when I was able to help my mother in her latter years, she had been my friend and comforter for most of my life, those of us that have family living close by are fortunate. I hope and pray for you to have what you need,Gorges,-Mary

  6. At our age we have helped a lot of people,now it's time to let them help us, too,still I hope and pray that you start feeling better soon, Mary

  7. I'm sorry to hear this. I haven't driven for about 6 years and have to use a step stool just to get in our truck. Prayers my friend 🙏

  8. Glad your step son is able to help. It is hell getting old but keep up the fight as long as you can.


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