Friday, December 8, 2023

Mowing The Roof




  1. Grass on the roof is something I have only seen in photos or movies,
    do you know where that photo was taken?-Mary

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I did a Bing search and it said that photo was taken on the Faroe Islands.
    And where is that? Another search showed this:
    The Faroe or Faeroe Islands, or simply the Faroes, is a North Atlantic island group and an autonomous territory of the Kingdom of Denmark. They are located 320 kilometres north-northwest of the United Kingdom, and about halfway between Norway and Iceland. The islands form part of the Kingdom of Denmark, along with mainland Denmark and Greenland. The islands have a total area of about 1,400 square kilometres with a population of 54,000 as of June 2022. The capital and largest city is Tórshavn.


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