Friday, November 10, 2023

So True!




  1. While struggling with a health condition I agreed to take a daily medication,
    at my next appointment when I asked the doctor how long he thought I would need to continue taking the pills he said I should expect to always take them. Instead I handed him the bottle of pills and cancelled my future scheduled appointments.We were not created with a drug dependency,those are
    given by physicians who want our monthly contribution to their bank accounts.Mary

  2. Nobody forces anyone to go see a doctor and nobody forces anyone to take any medication. It's called freedom...and we still have it, at least in a small measure. The reason why so many people take so many different medications is because they are too lazy, selfish and stupid to actually live a healthy life and expect their self inflicted problems to be cured with a simple pill.

  3. Generously I will assume that Daniel was not addressing Mary when he said lazy, selfish and stupid people expect their problems to be solved by taking a pill

  4. There's no good reason for the commenter above here to have been as ignorant and rude as he was!

  5. Not addressing anyone specifically. But HAVE spent 45 years taking care of patients. And I can categorically say that most health problems have at least partially self inflicted due to poor diet, poor lifestyle and poor choices.


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